Pop-up exhibition displays

Show yourself in a large format during important fairs and conferences. Use exhibition displays to effectively get your clients attention. If they are to remember someone, make them remember you!

Why is it worth it?

  • Two types of displays: arched and straight – choose a model that will best match your graphic and the rest of your stand like handles, rollups or tribune. 
  • Large advertising surface – if you are going to advertise, make is in a full swing! Large advertising surface will allow the design to stand out and catch everyone’s eyes, make them stop…after that you take over the sale action!
  • Easy and fast assembly – with your display you will get all necessary equipment to install easily yourself. Forget the long time spent with an instruction!
  • Comfortable transport and storage – after folding it away you will easily store it and transport all the elements in a trunk that comes with it. No transportation problems and lost parts, all is in one place. In addition, the trunk can be a base for a tribune, so you get 2 in 1!
  • Different sizes available – anything you desire! We have exhibition displays in sizes S to XL, so you can easily choose something for your stand plan. See table below. .

Price list is available only in Polish

Click the flag and check the price list

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.

A może inny System?



Rollup to bardzo popularny system reklamowy, który składa się z grafiki zwiniętej w kasetę. Posiadamy 5 rodzai rollupów. 

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Po­ty­ka­cze zwa­ne tak­że sto­ja­ka­mi re­kla­mo­wy­mi lub stan­da­mi to bar­dzo po­pu­lar­na for­ma ko­mu­ni­ka­cji z Klien­tem. Posiadamy 3 rodzaje potykaczy. 

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Ścianki wystawiennicze pop-up

Ścianki wystawiennicze pop-up są łatwe i proste w montażu. Posiadamy dwa rodzaje: łukowe i proste. 

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Ścianka prasowa z montażem - wynajem

Ścianka prasowa na konferencje, premierę, dowolny event lub wydarzenie. Montaż i demontaż oraz transport po naszej stronie.

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