Gold plating

Gold plating (so-called hot stamping), more and more popular form of enrichment or ennoblement of your printouts. A method which we use to not require preparation of a matrix, which makes it great for low quantity orders. By applying special, durable coating our printout becomes more elegant and exclusive.

Advantages and possibilities

  • Realisation time is 24h,
  • Matrix less,
  • Minimal paper weight is 200g,
  • Perfect for low quantities.


  • Business cards,
  • Diplomas/certificates,
  • Invitations.


Czas realizacja zamówienia to 1 dzień roboczy!

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych materiałów, for­ma­tów i kształtów wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.