Menu print

In restaurants, cafés or bars it is worth it to provide an aesthetic, modern, elegant, and most importantly easy to read food and drink menu. A menu with matching graphic design elements will make the clients more likely to try foods and drinks at your place.

We offer food and drink menus in any shape, with any graphic design. We realise sewn, folded menus, paper triangle presenters, paper placemats menus and many more. In the pandemic times the best option will be menus from PET material that are easy to disinfect. In addition, they are elegant and modern.

We will design, print and deliver your menu to your place.

Advantages and possibilities

  • Menu print on high-quality paper
  • Wide range of papers (to this king of print we recommend thicker, decorative papers)
  • Foiling options: matt, shine, satin
  • Any format
  • Any shape
  • Two-sided print on block out material
  • Finish option: stitching, folding, lamination


  • In colour print
  • Usage of higher paperweight paper
  • Realisation time is 24h
  • Project preparation form only 30,00 pln including vat


Czas realizacja zamówienia ustalany jest indywidualnie. 

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych materiałów, for­ma­tów i kształtów wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Zamów tak jak lubisz

Możesz odwiedzić nas osobiście, zadzwonić lub po prostu napisać.