PVC identifiers

PVC identifiers are a modern, more durable alternative to standard paper badges. They amaze with their quality, and appearance and they are for sure irreplaceable on any kind of event. Maybe you should order them for your events?

why is it worth is?

  • Different sizes and shapes – because you have full freedom with us! Choose a size that will fit you best and make your badge stand out with an extraordinary shape. Allow them to be put on your staff, speakers, or invited guests’ necks. 
  • Perfectly reflected colours and details, in quality that will survive any weather. We print the graphic with UV print method, which makes the project not only amaze with vivid colours, but also it is resistant to weather conditions: rain, snow, sunlight. It will not fade!
  • Durable material: hard 0,75 mm PVC – it cannot be ripped off, get wet, or tore apart. Hard PVC is known for its resistance to mechanical damages, so wear it without concern. 
  • Personalisation possibility – make the participants feel special and make the identification easier. Each badge can be personalised with a name, surname or QR code. One look at the badge and you know everything. 
  • Preparation of your project starts at only 30 pln including vat – every event is a lot of work, so we can take some of it from your back. Order a project and print in one place and let us take care of it!


Czas realizacji usługi ustalany jest indywidualnie. 

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych for­ma­tów, gra­ma­tur pa­pie­ru, ro­dza­jów wy­koń­czeń i uszla­chet­nień – wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my za­wsze in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Zamów tak jak lubisz

Możesz odwiedzić nas osobiście, zadzwonić lub po prostu napisać.