Magnets and magnetic stickers

Personalise your doors, car, fridge without limitations with magnetic stickers! You can use them on any metal surface. They are easily stick able and removable, again and again. They will be perfect for every place where you often want to change your marketing or usage space.

Why is it worth it?

  • Fabulously easy usage – magnetic stickers are easily put up and removed on every metal surface. You can put them up without the use of any tools, and experience. Did not go the right way? Do not worry, remove and put up again. 
  • Non-invasive installation – magnet does not need glue, to stick to metal surfaces, so you can remove it any time without any residue. Without any scraping, one motion and it’s gone. 
  • Any shape – who said that a magnetic sticker has to be squared? Not us! We will cut the sticker to any shape: straight or along a contour. Whatever your imagination suggests. 
  • Any finish you desire – matt or shine foil? You can choose a different type for every occasion. Upon your request we will round the sides of the sticker or make it even more durable by lamination.
  • Minimal order is 1 linear meter – you do not need to spend a fortune on big quantities, if you only need a couple magnets. You can order as little as 1 linear meter. 


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A może inne Gadżety?



Pokaż swoją markę na mieście dzięki vlepom skrojonym na miarę Twojego biznesu.

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Magnesy w dowolnym kształcie i rozmiarze. Można je umieścić na dowolnej metalowej powierzchni.

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